
Friday, December 08, 2006

Anxiety: Fair to Moderate 

The confluence of events occurring in my life right now, or preparing to occur, is astounding. When one considers them, it boggles the mind; when one lets them slow cook on the back burners of the mind, one finds oneself grouchy, anxious, and quick lipped.

Tomorrow is the electing convention for my diocese. You may read that as: tomorrow is the day I find out if the Boss Man will be leaving us to become the Big Boss Man or not. If so, that presents a whole host of other issues and things to be anxious about. If not, things will get back to normal in a week or so.

Next weekend I am being ordained a priest. I'm starting to feel it - wondering if I will be prepared, or even if full preparation is even possible. Feeling the grace of Christ's abounding mercy ever-present, as there is no way I am qualified to do this, to become this, otherwise. And the logistics are driving me up the wall.

I'm preaching this Sunday and have my basic ideas worked out, but am pretty far from a full sermon.

Plans for all the Christmas-y services are underway and consuming.

Plans for taking my youth to Advent Camp, which the diocese cancelled but I said I was doing anyway, are shaping up. Instead of a Diocesan Advent Camp, it will be a St. Mark's Advent Camp. My kids seemed to relish the idea of just us at DaySpring.

But all of these are weighing heavily on my mind and soul. As a result I almost flipped my lid today over some minor slight and subsequent annoyance. The Boss Man called tonight and we talked about each of our anxieties together, agreeing that it was in fact such anxiousness causing our stress levels to bubble up.

And so, calling to mind the film Bad Boys...

Wooo-saa. Wooo-saa. Wooo-saa.



I have been following the search for the new bishop so please keep us updated on how it all goes!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:31 AM  

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