
Monday, August 21, 2006

The Story of Forgiveness and Love - Version: The Kite Runner 

Over the weekend, I finished one of the most amazing books I have read in a long time. Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner was beautiful in its simplicity, powerful in its complexity, compelling to read and an engrossing narrative. I loved this book!

It is the story of a young Afghani boy named Amir; he is a Pashtun Afghan, which means he is of the dominant society, and is the son of a well respected and much beloved wealthy businessman. All his young life he tries to live up to his father's expectations and always falls short. Constantly, he is trying to earn his father's love but never feels he receives it. His best friend is the son of his father's servant and as the story progresses, it explores the question that his friendship may only be due to his servant status. That is to say, he may not really be his friend at all, even if it feels like it. Then, one day, something terrible happens. Young Amir witnesses a horrible crime happening to his friend, but is too cowardly to do anything to try and stop it. It is a day that forever changes both their lives. Set against the backdrop of modern Afghanistan's tumultous political history, the story of Amir growing up unable to ever forgive himself breaks your heart. Such inability to forgive himself for what he has done follows him to America, when the Russians take over Afghanistan, and follows him back to Afghanistan when he returns decades later to finally set his soul to rights. He discovers the atrocities of what the Taliban, touted as heroes when they drove out the Russians, have done to his native land as he encounters first hand the horrors of their rule.

This book brought me close to tears many times and it has been a long time since a book has done that. The story is so powerful and moving and yet so simple and oft-told manner of tale. You will be moved.

Don't expect a book that will educate you on what happened to America on September 11, 2001. If anything, this is a book that says to America, "there is much more to Afghanistan than Osama bin Laden and terror and oil." Don't expect a book trying to exonerate bin Laden or justify his actions; neither expect a story that seeks to attack him. Do expect to be moved as you enter a world largely unfamiliar from your own, yet with surprising and heart-wrenching similarities.



I got a 70% on that test, but only cause that was the lowest you could get...yup, you guessed it, i didn't read one page of it. See you later

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 PM  

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