Monday, October 03, 2005
Veni, Sancte Spiritus
And with that, life has returned to normal after my vacation weekend. We had the animal blessing service at St. Luke's this morning and about 300 humans showed up with over 150 animals easily, including a tortoise. It really put a big smile on my face to see the pews so full there. Hopefully those who came who maybe had not come before will be inclined to come again. That is my prayer. Now it is back to classes, assignments, meetings, and discussions. What a perfect cap for a wonderful weekend.
P.S. And I promise, some of my thinking on when it is justified to go to war really is coming...
That's really cute that a tortoise came. I love the blessing of the animals. I once had somebody bring a plastic toy dinosaur.
By 1:40 AM
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Tom at St. Hils, don't remember the name of the parish but in my Chicago days they would troop with cross and torches and inscense and holy water through Lincoln Park Zoo leaving every creature in abject terror! It was great fun. Where was the ordination? At St. James?
By 9:26 PM
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