
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

He Must Have Had a Bad Day 

It was so hot in my apartment today and tonight that I had to leave. I was sweating while sitting there, sweating while eating, sweating while watching TV. I think I was even sweating while showering, and that's no mean feat. So, I mustered up the energy to get my hebrew books together and headed to Borders. There, in the cafe while I was make flash cards, a man approached the counter and the following conversation ensued:

Man: Is that cinnamon roll soft or hard?
Cafe Guy: Umm....soft.
Man: Ok, then, I'll take a piece of carrot cake and the cinnamon roll.
Cafe Guy: Ok.
Man: Oh, and is that a macadamia nut cookie I see hiding back there?
Cafe Guy: No, that's a [didn't hear what kind] cookie.
Man: What an unusual combination for a cookie! Ok, I'll try that too.
Cafe Guy: So you want all three? The cake, the cinnamon roll, and the cookie?
Man: Absolutely.

I don't even want to know what kind of a day this guy had.



Did you actually see him eat all three desserts? If not, perhaps he has some hungry friends and - this is key - these friends just happen to like exactly the same fascinating desserts --- soft cinnamon rolls, whatever-they-are cookies, and carrot cake! Hmmmm. . . maybe I could be this guy's friend!

By Blogger The Rev. Dr. Debra K. Bullock, at 2:50 PM  

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