
Sunday, September 18, 2005

2nd Week Subdeaconing 

Well, my second week as Subdeacon went much smoother than the first I thought. And, consequently, I felt a lot better about it. It felt more natural this time 'round since I got my first week heebie-jeebie's out. I think in part, it had to do with preparation time. Thanks to about three people I learned how to tie an amice properly, which is not difficult once you know which way the thing goes. I arrived 30 minutes early this morning so I could vest in peace and pray the two vesting prayers that would apply (alb and amice). That's a part of my field-ed goals - to learn the spirituality of vesting. I got some quiet time to center myself before the service and so when it came time to go, I was not hurried or harried in any way. The service went smooth and I felt a lot more comfortable behind the altar.

Right now, I am feeling very thankful and very lucky to have landed St. Luke's as my field-ed location. It's gonna be a great year!



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