
Thursday, November 04, 2004


Tension in unity.

That was the theme in my message today as we celebrated Richard Hooker. The sermon went fairly well I thought. I had one pang of nervousness during the reading of the Gospel, but I told that to go away and it did, so that was all good. Attempting to put into practice some of the lessons of my preaching class, I took my message on an arc from the global to the personal. I think it worked out ok for a 5 minute sermonette. Some of the feedback that I got back from my compatriots I want to record here so I remember to ask my preaching professor about it and see how I can improve. Overall they thought it was very good and they liked it, but they offered the following feedback:

I think that some of this is simply who I am and my style, but some of it can definitely be worked on and so I am thankful for their feedback. After the long day we've just had and the huge dinner and apple pie we just ate, I'm going to go collapse into bed. I haven't had proper mourning time for our country yet either, so I may do a little of that too. Goodnight.



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