
Friday, November 12, 2004

Bloggers Coming and Going 

There has been some activity in the blogiverse recently around arrivals and leavetakings. It is with a certain amount of sadness that I bid adieu, in the online world, to my sister Dr. J and her neighborhood. She has made her last posting, discouraged and unedified with blogging. I'll officially remove her from the blogroll in a day or so, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to view her last posting.

And a big welcome to two newcomers, at least to my blogroll. Both have been blogging for some time, but only recently was I made aware of their sites. Beth, of Wide Eyed and Laughing, is a Seabury junior this year, embarking on her three year M.Div program towards ordination to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. Check her out!

Secondly, my friend Lacy turned me on to this blog, entitled, "They Will Know Us By Our T-Shirts". A Presbyterian seminary student, Ben earns a living by working at a Christian bookstore. His blog is about the comings and goings of clientele and products, the very interesting culture of believers and otehrs who frequent such shops, and the inherent humor in a lot of what goes on there. For a good taste of what he writes about and his slightly cynical bent, check out his latest posting entitled The New Album From Jesus, which marks both his sense of humor and his creativity. Enjoy!



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