
Monday, October 18, 2004

Initial Response to the Windsor Report 

As some of you know, the Lambeth Commission on Communion's Windsor Report was released today to the general public after being commissioned by The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archibishop of Canterbury one year ago. The purpose of the report was to discern the greatest extent to which communion is possible within the Anglican Communion given the actions of the provinces of the Episcopal Church (USA) and New Westminster (Canada) in consecrating to the episcopate a homosexual man in a committed partnership and the blessing of a same-gender union, respectively. In the words of my bishop and many others, it was not primarily a document dealing with sexuality.

Fr. John Dally, a professor at my seminary, preached today in the Chapel service. He remarked that this report "is not good news for anybody," and I believe him to be right. For those more liberally minded who believe the actions of the 2003 ECUSA General Convention to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and a long-awaited step towards justice, the report is a step backward and the reccomendations therein are unbearable. For those more conservative in their theology, the report represents what has the potential to become the first step in a broken communion, wherein the ECUSA and the Anglican Communion have to learn "to walk apart". So, in truth, this is not good news for anyone.

I am reacting to the report (well, those sections of the 93 page document that I have been able to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest) right now, but I don't want to write too much about it here just yet. As my own tears during today's Chapel service surprised and betrayed to my more conscious self the state of my heart, I feel that my emotions are too raw right now to provide a thoughtful commentary. Moreover, I could not do it justice having not yet read the entire report. The demands of seminary life have not stopped with this report's release and papers continue to be due, just as books do not get read on their own. So, I will leave you with several links to others who have made some initial reactions as well as the injunction to be in prayer for the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.

From Archbishop Rowan Williams
From Presiding Bishop Frank T. Griswold
From Bishop John B. Lipscomb, Southwest Florida
From Bishop V. Gene Robinson, New Hampshire (to be posted on October 19, 2004, 9am)
From Bishop Robert Duncan, Pittsburgh
From Bishop Mark Dyer, Lambeth Commission on Communion
From Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Canada
From Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane, Southern Africa
From Archbishop Bernard Malango, Central Africa

From The Rev. A.K.M. Adam, Professor of New Testament at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (see October 18, 200 entry entitled "Report, Report)
From Fr. Jake, Episcopal Priest and Blogger
From Jane Ellen, Seminarian
From Karen, Seminarian
From Joel Garver, Philosophy Professor - La Salle University
From Ecclesia Anglicana



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