
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Contributions of a Minister 

In the Church, Culture, & Mission class we were recently asked to write a one page paper in response to the following reflection question. Dr. J posted her's on her blog and I think that's a good idea, so here is mine.

Reflection Question: “What is the particular contribution of an ordained minister to the mission and ministry of a congregation?”

When I was in high school and was president of the youth group, I stopped off at the church one Saturday morning on my way out of town to sign a paper. When I walked into the Great Hall, I found my priest setting some tables for what looked to be a fancy lunch. He saw me, put down his pile of forks, and walked over to greet me. We chatted for a while before I asked, “What are you doing today?” His response will stick with me for a long time to come: “Well, I have this ladies luncheon at noon that the Bishop is attending. Then I have to go visit Mr. X who is sick in the hospital. I’ll come back from that and work on my sermon and then say Evening Prayer before going home to have dinner with my family.” You’ll have noticed there was nothing extraordinary in his response, but for some reason it lit up my soul and I realized that this was what I wanted to do with my life. It was the first moment I knew that I wanted to be a priest (different from the time I knew I was going to be a priest.)

Contained in my priest’s answer is the answer to the above question. An ordained minister’s contribution to the mission and ministry of a congregation lies in setting the table. By setting the table of a congregation (s)he both invites and empowers the people to come and eat. (S)he prepares the people to be a part of the Body of Christ in our Lord’s feast and in so doing gives them food for the journey, sustenance to go out into the world and live into the mission of the church. The act of setting the table signifies the One who is greater than the priest or the congregation and invites them to partake plenteously, to go forth and make the mission and ministry their own.



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