
Sunday, August 22, 2004

On Church Last Sunday; On Pay "Beaches"; On cooking out with Jives, Beal, and beer 

When Beal was here, I asked him what kind of church he wanted to go to on Sunday morning; I said that here in Chicago, the Episcopal churches really run the gamut all the way from seriously high church to pretty low church styles. He said he'd like to experience what a real AngloCatholic High Church service was like, so we went to St. Paul's by the Lake - a church with which I am familiar for having just such a service and a church where my fellow seminarian Mitch serves. When we arrived, we discovered that there was to be a Baptism that day. Not only that, but I remembered after seeing the bulletin that it was the feast day of the traditional Catholic remembrance of the Assumption of Mary (a predominantly Catholic belief that Mary never died, but was assumed into Heaven much like Elijah). This would make for some fine high churchin' if ever there was to be any. But, oh! The fun didn't stop there - the Bishop of Quincy was presiding over the service, complete with mitre and crozier topped with dueling dragons. Beal asked him about the crozier after and the Bishop said the traditional crozier is shaped like a Shephard's crook and implies pastoral oversight, but since this was not his diocese, he uses this crozier which emphasizes the bishop's role as battler of evil. Awesome. Needless to say, it was an excellent service and Beal got his fill.

After the service we had planned to go to the "beach" nearby for the afternoon. Well, whatever the locals call it, it isn't a beach. Sure, its got sand and water, but there is a distinct lack of salt in both air and water, a key ingrediant in beaches. But, it would have to do. We arrived and there was a sign posted that said "Beach Token Required". I inquired what such a thing was and apparently, you have to pay $6.50 to use the "beach"! Ludicrous! I said, "I didn't pay the other week when I was here!" The lifeguard, who was probably all of 16, replied "If you were here, you paid." I retorted, "Oh right. I forgot. How silly of me not to remember that I paid to go to a pseudo-beach!" I left that place angry, angrier than Beal anyway. I told him on the walk back, trying hard not to think about how I had just rubbed sunscreen all over myself for no reason, that I thought it was ridiculous to think you had to pay to use a beach. Who can own such a thing?! I can understand owning land for buildings and whatnot, but it's a beach! He told me I was sounding like Pocahontus. Well, maybe I was. Maybe I was. But I think she had something right in her thinking.

So, we ended the day joyously after that bit of silliness by cooking out burgers and tater-tots with Jives, while drinking daquiris and beers. It was a good end to a good day, even if the city of Evanston tried to ruin it.



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