
Thursday, June 10, 2004

Off to bed

Which would not be unusual, unless you note the time. 7:34pm. A little bit early? Not when you have to be at work for a 16 hour shift at 12:30am. That's right - my first tag-along on-call shift is tonight and I need some sleep in order to be ready for it. At CPE today we learned how to do Critical Care ministry, how to fill out the paperwork associated with a patient death, and did some group work on norms (I don't much care for norms; I'd rather have rules). Then I came home and learned some more. I learned that a good friend wants me to marry him and his fiance and that they're willing, at least right now, to wait until I am ordained. I also learned that Colorado, much to my disappointment, is really far away from Chicago.




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