
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Last Day of the Year Tomorrow

Academic year that is. Yep, after tomorrow, I will have completed my first year of seminary. Hard to believe. Turning in my last assignments tomorrow and then I am done with homework until September. CPE begins on Monday, but there is plenty to look forward to before that commences. Let's see - there's Thursday night's dinner and a movie plans, Friday is Commencement and Harry potter 3, Saturday is my big cookout and Sunday is Jackie's last service celebrated at Canterbury. That's plenty to look forward to for sure. There is one more thing y'all should be looking forward to, adn that is the triannual, End of the Quarter Quotes. They'll go up tomorrow and this quarter, they abound. To get us started, I offer the following quote from the book I am reading right now - Cryptnomicon, by Neal Stephenson. Yes, I realize I started this book long ago, but it's enormous. Anyway, in order to really appreciate the humor in this, you have to understand that the character of Sargeant Shaftoe is sort of your stereotypical dumb military man. Not a great visionary - lots of brawn, little brain. Anyway, I thought this was hilarious:

"'When war broke out there was much reorganization and I [Dr. Rudolf von Hacklheber] became like a bone that several dogs are fighting over. I was moved into Referat Iva of Gruppe IV, Analytical Cryptanalysis, which was part of Hauptgruppe B, Cryptanalysis, which reported ultimately to Major General Erich Fellgiebel, Chief of Wehrmachtnachrichtungenverbindungen.'

Shaftoe looks around at the others, but none of them laughs, or even grins. They must not have heard it. 'Come again?' Shaftoe asks, proddingly, like a man in a bar trying to get a shy friend to tell a sure-fire thigh-slapper.

[...long amounts (7 pages) of explanation about what Dr. von Hacklheber does in greater depth. Shaftoe excuses himself from the room for this...]

When he gets back, von Hacklheber is just winding up. 'It all came down to a problem of sifting through large amounts of raw data - lengthy and tedious work.' Shaftoe cringes, wondering what something would have to be like in order to qualify as lengthy and tedious to this joker."

Now, that's just good writing...



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