Friday, May 07, 2004
Today's Happenings
The presentation Newland and I gave about our trip to the Sabeel Conference in Jerusalem went very well I thought and was well attended. It is fun and energizing for me to give presentations like that and I hope that some of my enthusiasm and passion, channeled through the presentation, caused those who attended to want to know more and do more about this important cause.
I should take the time and space here to address an excellent concern brought up by some of my friends after the presentation. They thought that some of what I had said in the presentation conflated the issue of opposing Christian Zionism and opposing the State of Israel. I want to be absolutely clear on this point, which I was not in the presentation. I do not deny Israel's right to exist and I fully recognize the suffering the people of Israel have endured at the hands of persons whose sick and twisted interpretation of thier religions have led them to perform such atrocities as suicide bombings, civilian snipings (especially after last week's murder of a pregnant Israeli citizen by a sniper), and structure bombings. I come down hard on the State of Israel because they are the dominant power and the occupying force, largely ignoring international law. There are thousands of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians who want peace and who want to end the occupation, and I stand in solidarity with them for a justpeace. I believe in an Israeli state within the 1967 borders, sharing Jerusalem as a capital city. I believe in the right of return. I believe in and call for an end to violence, terrorism (be it by militant Zionists, militant Islamic groups, or the state of Israel), the settlement plan, and the wall. Being against the Christian Zionist movement does not mean being against the State of Israel. Criticizing the state of Israel does not make one an anti-Semite. Israel has a right to exist. Palestine has a right to exist. Peace is what God calls us to strive for.
Switching subjects entirely...
I was encouraged today by the announcement of a chance for Seabury students to meet in two weeks with the Board of Trustees chair to discuss the transitions taking place here. I was also glad and relieved to read Frank's blog today and know that he is staying. More people are talking about this important issue and I am encouraged by that as well. I hope this mode of inquiry and communication keeps up.
Exhaustion setting in...
The presentation Newland and I gave about our trip to the Sabeel Conference in Jerusalem went very well I thought and was well attended. It is fun and energizing for me to give presentations like that and I hope that some of my enthusiasm and passion, channeled through the presentation, caused those who attended to want to know more and do more about this important cause.
I should take the time and space here to address an excellent concern brought up by some of my friends after the presentation. They thought that some of what I had said in the presentation conflated the issue of opposing Christian Zionism and opposing the State of Israel. I want to be absolutely clear on this point, which I was not in the presentation. I do not deny Israel's right to exist and I fully recognize the suffering the people of Israel have endured at the hands of persons whose sick and twisted interpretation of thier religions have led them to perform such atrocities as suicide bombings, civilian snipings (especially after last week's murder of a pregnant Israeli citizen by a sniper), and structure bombings. I come down hard on the State of Israel because they are the dominant power and the occupying force, largely ignoring international law. There are thousands of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians who want peace and who want to end the occupation, and I stand in solidarity with them for a justpeace. I believe in an Israeli state within the 1967 borders, sharing Jerusalem as a capital city. I believe in the right of return. I believe in and call for an end to violence, terrorism (be it by militant Zionists, militant Islamic groups, or the state of Israel), the settlement plan, and the wall. Being against the Christian Zionist movement does not mean being against the State of Israel. Criticizing the state of Israel does not make one an anti-Semite. Israel has a right to exist. Palestine has a right to exist. Peace is what God calls us to strive for.
Switching subjects entirely...
I was encouraged today by the announcement of a chance for Seabury students to meet in two weeks with the Board of Trustees chair to discuss the transitions taking place here. I was also glad and relieved to read Frank's blog today and know that he is staying. More people are talking about this important issue and I am encouraged by that as well. I hope this mode of inquiry and communication keeps up.
Exhaustion setting in...