
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Softball Report

"So the last will be first and the first will be last." ~Matthew 20:16

And so it was, that the Seabury Saints took down the "Big Guns", the only undefeated team, 20-4, in our last softball game of the season. There truly were miracles in the outfield, and everywhere else for that matter! This victory made my year! I am so proud of my team and how far we have come!! The first inning began normally enough; they batted first and advanced a few runners but without scoring any runs before gaining three outs. Then, bottom of the first, the Saints come to bat. Two outs are achieved quickly. Then, due to our really scary faces I guess, their pitcher began to choke. Well, asphyxiate is really a better word. He walked a few batters - our entire line up almost twice over to be specific earning us 13 runs in the first inning. The remainder of the game proceeded very well for us - it all came together. Everybody did an excellent job fielding, with the Golden Glove award for today going to Jen at second base. Everyone did a fantastic job hitting with the Slugger's awards going equally to Frank for his Grand Slam and to Shana for her first hit of the year, a solid single! Their batters, though the total circumference of their biceps out shone the total circumference of our collective waists, were unable to hit the heat thrown by ace pitcher Cliff. Halfway through the game, Jen remarked that it must be a trick - that they must be sharks. Well, her logic was correct - they were a team of former high school athletes: football, baseball, soccer, basketball, and wrestling. There wasn't a one of their girls whom I could have shown up in the weight room. In a word: frightening! But, the illogical prevailed!! Two outs. Big guy up to bat. Long fly ball to center field. I track the ball, run backwards following it and reach up my glove to be met by that satisfying smacking sound of a caught ball. There is a general cheering from the infield and sidelines - completely without realizing it, I had caught the last out of the game. Saints win! Saints win!! Saints win!!! Stunned, I run in slapping hands with my teammates and trying to figure out how what just happened, happened. 20-4. Simply stunning. The team, for the most part, went out to Nevin's for dinner and a drink (or several) afterwards to celebrate. The Big Guns went home, confused, but good sports. Two of my awesome teammates carried the party on, along with myself, at my place where we watched a great victory movie - The Big Lebowski. Now they have gone home and I am still elated about our victory. It made my day. It made my week. It made my season. I am happy and proud of our team. We'll see you in the playoffs baby!!



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