
Sunday, May 02, 2004


Tonight, both the Sopranos and Deadwood were excellent! Though Deadwood cannot hold a candle to the quality of television that the Sopranos represents, both were still exciting programs. Things are really heating up over in Tony's neck of the woods and I look forward to whether or not Meadow's boyfriend, now finace, lives to actually marry her.

At Canterbury tonight, I entered into a conversation with the young lady who is the Assistant Chaplain wherein she disclosed to me the awful secret that she does not know how to start a fire in order to cook on the grill. I retorted that it will now be my personal mission to learn her this valuable skill before she leaves this establishment of higher learning. You cannot graduate college without knowing how to grill.

I am anticipating, with great excitement and joy, my appointment to a full professorship at the Sjlbvdnzv Campus of the University of Blogaria. MY chaired position and full title will be annouced as soon as the appointment is final.

Reprints of the photos from my Jerusalem trip have been completed and I wrote out all my thank you notes, complete with photos, tonight for immediate dispersal tomorrow.

I do not look forward to the conversation I must have with my bishop tomorrow, though not on any account of his. There is something a-brewin' at Seabury and I aim to find out what it is. Bishop John has a right to know about all this and perhaps he can help me discover just what in the living hell is going on. Over 50% of our faculty are leaving us, including our Dean. Now, while three faculty departures are due to retirement, the others seem to be in a damn fine hurry to get out of here and I don't know why. As a first year student I believe it is not only my right to know, but exceptionally important for the sake of my continued education. I am adding 1 + 1 + 1 together and the number I get is not a number in the black column. No, it is definitely in the red.
1. Seabury is having serious financial problems.
2. Over 50% of our faculty are departing, including the Dean in the middle of a capital campaign drive, which he apparently (though unconfirmed) promised to see through to its conclusion.
3. Many seniors did not sustain on their General Ordination Exams (GOE's) this year, meaning they failed certain sections.
These things do not add up to a pretty picture and I intend to find out what exactly is going on and I intend to involve my bishop in the discussion, because if plans need to be made, in haste, for my transfer to a school not in hot water, then he needs to be privy and on board. I, unlike others, am making my concerns known and I hope it can be resolved without any drastic measures being taken. But, my academic future is that which is on the line here and I do not want to be shortchanged in the end.



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