
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Exhausted and Frightened

I am so tired! I don't know exactly why; I guess sometimes I just wear myself out. Yesterday was a pretty stressful day and today I was very busy. Plus, I hit it pretty hard at the gym today, so that accounts for my physical tiredness. Once home, showered, and fed, I attacked with great vigor my Ethics project, which I suppose accounts for both my intelluctual tiredness and frightened state. My topic is Molecular Nanotechnology and Christian Bioethical Concerns with Voluntary Cybernetic Enhancement. (Sounds rather impressive when you put it that way, but I really don't know didly about the scientific stuff.) In any event, the rhetoric employed by advocates for human cybernetic enhancement is one which contains such terrifying (to me) words as "transhumanism", and "posthuman". The organization known as the World Transhumanist Association wants "everyone to enjoy better minds, better bodies and better lives…to be better than well". Sounds pretty good on the surface, but when you get into it, its really frightening. Members of this and other groups, believe that such technology will aid the evolutionary advancement of homo sapiens to a point beyond human, ergo "posthuman". Ok, I'm getting scared again, so I'm gonna go to bed and finish up the project tomorrow.



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