Friday, May 21, 2004
The Day is Done
"What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done;
let it be."
~New Zealand Prayer Book, Night Prayer
There are rare, though glorious, occasions when the above prayer is oh so apt. Tonight is one of them. There is nothing I could do to add to the pleasantness that is this night. I am full after an excellent meal (the grilling season has commenced - and though it was very tasty, the steaks were almost a little too close to medium well) and wonderful conversation with fine company. There was even, much to my appreciative surprise, dessert - a rare treat. Let it be...
"What has been done has been done;
what has not been done has not been done;
let it be."
~New Zealand Prayer Book, Night Prayer
There are rare, though glorious, occasions when the above prayer is oh so apt. Tonight is one of them. There is nothing I could do to add to the pleasantness that is this night. I am full after an excellent meal (the grilling season has commenced - and though it was very tasty, the steaks were almost a little too close to medium well) and wonderful conversation with fine company. There was even, much to my appreciative surprise, dessert - a rare treat. Let it be...