
Friday, May 07, 2004

...and the Thunder Rolls...

We had a superb thunder storm late last night, that, when it began, scared the everlovin' bejezus out of me. I was already asleep when the first bolt struck, I'm fairly sure right outside my window, and the thunder that followed shook the very foundations of the earth, let alone my apartment. Once I regained a full state of awareness, changed my pants*, and got back in bed, I reveled in the glory that was an excellent thunder storm. O, how I have missed the sound of the Brontosaurus bowling and the spectacle of Zeus' arsenal! It was a great thunder storm, worthy of Florida reckoning. Slowly, I faded away once again into that blissful realm of soft and sleep confident that outside my walls raged a tempest with delight, performing for my longing ears and shuttered eyes until I awoke in the morn when the sounds and lights had drifted from me like an oft remembered dream, swept up by the winds of change and carried away to perform their dance for another in a distant land.**


* This is hyperbole. No soiling of the pants actually occurred.
** Shovels will be provided at the door for those who feel it's a little deep in here right now.


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