
Thursday, April 08, 2004

Maundy Thursday Thoughts

At this evening's Maundy Thursday service, Fr. Dreibelbis preached a wonderful sermon before the Footwashing. He said that in this symbolic act, there is more than we can ever hope to perform ourselves. This is only something Jesus can do for us, because Jesus did this in preparation for laying down his life for his friends. Fr. Dreibelbis said that we human beings tend to shy away from great acts of generosity because we fear or are uncomfortable with indebtedness. He then asked us to think of someone we love and respect and queried, "Can you imagine having your life at the cost of theirs?" Those thoughts were what was running through the disciples' minds as Jesus bent to wash their feet. So, tonight, as you go to be washed, know that it is Jesus washing your feet, through the person actually bent before you. And when you wash their feet, know that it is Jesus acting through you to wash the person sitting in front of you. There is more in this symbolic act that we can ever hope to perform outselves.



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