
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Creative Rock, Paper, Scissors

I've been meaning to blog about this since my return from Spring Break, but as of yet have failed to do so. While on Spring Break I was out several times with a few of my friends. Taylor was home after the long, and eventually unsuccessful, Dean campaign. He brought with him his roommate from college, Jon. Now, Tay and Jon know each other quite well, which is why they can play this game. It really will only work in the context of people you know well because otherwise too many arguments will break out. But, it is an AWESOME game: Creative Rock, Paper, Scissors.

You count to three like in a normal game, and can even make the hand motions if you want. But, upon reaching three, you blurt out your creative answer. Then, in a mutual decision, you decide which of the two creative answers defeats the other. This defeat is based on which item is cooler (meaning absolutely nothing other than your mutual agreement).

For example,


Battleship is obviously the victor here. It is far larger, and more powerful that a jalapeno, therefore making it way cooler to my male mind. An alternative spin you could take was that if you heavily flavored every item of food on the battleship with the jalapeno, you would render the battleship ineffective as everyone would be in the head. So, the item's coolness counts as much as the creative reasoning used to arrive at the decision of victory or defeat. This is why only people who know each other well should play this game. I truly wish Hudd and I had known of it our sophomore year...it would have alleviated the need for the bashing of heads with plastic bottles (a game which Hudd always won because he drank juice out of a big bottle and I drank water out of a little bottle, so I would always end up having to do a Monty Python and "run away! run away!"

In any event, I encourage, nay I admonish you, to take up the playing of creative rock, paper, scissors, for the settlement of all your disputes, public or private.


P.S. There is no limit to which types of items can be used, but you should self-govern on the use of items like "multiverse" or "double-bladed lightsaber" so as to keep the game fun.


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