
Sunday, March 28, 2004

In other news...

I spoke briefly with Mason tonight, on the telephone. (As a sidenote, he had expressed some concern over my most recent answering machine message. He said it wasn't funny like it usually is and left him depressed so that he couldn't leave a proper message, because it wasn't predicated by his normal bout of laughter. Call back again soon Mason, I hope you'll be satisfied.) He told me of blog site address, which will be dealing with a field appropo for him: technology. If you know Mason at all, you know he's a techie nut and maybe even a techno goon. The latest gadget, he's got it or is on his way to the store to get it. That's why I liked living next door to him in college. (Well, that and plenty of other good reasons, like friendship and all that jazz, of course. I love you brother!) He mentioned his inspiration came from conversing with a computer science professor at one of the doctoral programs to which he's applied. The professor said that if you weren't surprised at least once a day by something happening in thier field, then you're not paying attention. In any event, I proudly bring you my good friend, Mason, and his techo-watch site. Though he doesn't have much time to post regularly right now, he hopes for those circumstances to change shortly, and he can live up to the being surprised once a day and reporting it quota. Enjoy!



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