
Monday, March 08, 2004

Dream Discussions and Threads

Symbols are multi-valent. We learned that intellectually in Liturgy class but I've learned it experientially through this morning's discussion with Dan, which went very well. He gave me so much more to think about (at the close of our time he said, "You didn't come here looking for clarity, did you?"), but moreover, he gave me a few more tools with which to look at dreams. Ways of interpretation, methods, different threads to follow. That's the multivalency aspect. I want to work through a few ideas here. This will likely be more stream of consciousness than carefully organized thoughts, so readers, beware. Also, I'm not going to describe each dream, I'm just going to title it and talk about several themes or threads here, because really, this is just for me. You can read if you like, obviously, but don't bother asking for explanations. I'm not quite ready for that degree of public disclosure yet.

So, that's just two dreams that are not even fully analyzed in all the possible veins. But, wow, what alot even that little bit is! Mental note: Don't forget to look at how dreams might be social commentary. i.e. Dream about me, in a position of leadership, having to shoot another leader who had gone insane and started shooting others - social commentary on leadership, violence, handling conflict, issues of firearms, etc.

That's plenty to think about for now, don't you think?


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