
Wednesday, December 17, 2003

"Return" and Leavetakings

Thanks to all who responded to the question regarding cassocks - please feel free to keep those comments coming!

This afternoon I am going to St. Hilary's for my brief instruction in piano playing with David. Should be a good time. It will be long enough for him to give me some hints and pointers, which was the plan, so that'll be good.

Then, tonight, I am going to see "Return of the King" - I've been waiting patiently for this concluding part of the epic. Someone asked me if I was going to watch the other two films or read the books before seeing the third one, but I said, "No, I'm familiar with the story." I can't count the number of times I've read them. An unfortunate side effect though of these great films is that no longer, when we all reread the stories, will we be able to picture it in our own ways. The movies will be ingrained into our minds, blotting out our own individual conceptions. While the movies were great, they did make off with our autonomy for picturing the tale unfolding in our own colors, kinds, and ways.

And, finally, tomorrow, I am taking leave of Florida for a few days to head up to N. Carolina for Sherriff's wedding, which will be a joyful occasion. I will arrive late in Winston-Salem though, already joyful, at having seen Millie earlier in the day. Why we are alotted to see each other only so rarely, and then just an hour for lunch is a punishment I've not yet figured out. Distance and time are cruel mistresses indeed.

Well, now I'm off to my lesson and I won't be able to write until I return from Carolina. Until then, God's peace to you all and blessings abound.



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