
Monday, December 15, 2003

Busy week...

This is the beginning of an extremely busy week. Tomorrow I am delivering the opening remarks at the annual Boy Scout Dinner in Naples; Wednesday I have a dentist appointment (my favorite thing to do) followed by some instruction on the piano by David Swedberg, the minister of music at my church, St. Hilary's; Thursday I am leaving very early to drive to Carolina for my fraternal big brother's wedding!! Congratulations to Mark and Amanda! But, before I get there, I will be stopping off in Gainesville to have lunch with Millie (yes, we finally reached each other on the phone!) and I am very excited to see her again. It's been way too long and there are constantly way too many miles between us. I will be in Carolina until Saturday night when I drive back for the family Christmas party and leave again the following day for my Grandmother's where I will spend the holidays. Needless to say, I may not blog during all that time, but who knows.

Saw the Boondock Saints last night with Trevor and Dad - pretty good flick and an excellent portrayal of anti-heroes. Well, thats about all for now, so enjoy your day!



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